The Book of Acts
Four pricing and study options for each course.

“How to take one of our online courses.”
ANYONE can take
ANY course at
ANY time!
Important orientation video

The Format and Structure of the Online Courses
Quick Overview:
The choice is yours. We have four different study options called “Tiers.” So you can find a study option that best fits your learning goals and preferences.
- So, if you are seeking a degree from us, then you need to take Tier 1 or Tier 2 courses.
- If you are not pursuing a degree from us, then you can choose from Tier 3 or 4.
- Anyone can take any course anytime, but Tier 1 courses have specific start and end dates.
- There is no application or registration.
For more details, please click the “Choose a Plan” item on the navigation bar.
ACB-MJS and Ariel Ministries: This is an online college named, “Ariel College of the Bible and Messianic Jewish Studies.” We are a division of Ariel Ministries. The Founder and President of the college is Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum.
Accreditation: We are not currently seeking accreditation. Our focus now is to develop our courses and program in ways well-pleasing to God so that we are fully aligned with His Word and His will. If, at some point, the Lord wants us to seek accreditation, then, of course, we will do that. If you need a degree from an accredited college for work/employment, for ordination from a denomination, to transfer credits to another college, or to apply to another college/seminary, then you would need a degree from an accredited college, so ACB-MJS would not be the right choice in such cases.
Degree Program: Every course you complete for credit counts towards a “Biblical and Messianic Jewish Studies” degree from ACB-MJS. We currently have twenty courses so students can earn an associate-level degree from us. We plan on producing about three to four new courses per year. Sixty courses will, Lord willing, be developed over the next several years. We currently offer an associate-level degree. In the coming years, Lord willing, we also plan to offer Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees as well.
Students are also required to complete the “Foundations” courses. Currently, FND 104 is available and required for students seeking a degree from us.
Please click “OVERVIEW” on the navigation bar for more details.
Costs: For each course, there are four study options (we call these “Tiers”). Tiers 1-2 are full-credit courses, and Tiers 3-4 are non-credit (audit-only) options. For more information about the four Tiers, please click the “CHOOSE A PLAN” item on the navigation bar. Course prices range from $50 to $375, depending on what Tier and course you select (course prices do not include books). For specific prices please click on the “COURSE CATALOG” on the Navigation bar.
Refunds: If for any reason you are not pleased with a course, we maintain a 7-day refund policy on all courses. This is a 100% return. This does not include your textbooks or mp3 audio course lecture sales.
We are committed to very affordable pricing for our courses.
Audit Only Courses: Tiers 3 and 4 are non-credit courses. Tier 3 students have access to the curriculum but can bypass (skip over) anything, such as assigned readings, written assignments, Bible memory verses, and exams. However, you do not get credit for the course and it does not count towards a degree in Biblical and Messianic Jewish Studies. Tier 4 courses only contain video lectures.
To Begin: To begin, you will need to read Steps 1-3: “Overview,” “Choose a Plan,” and “How to Start.” Then, you can look through the courses in the “Course Catalog” section of the navigation bar and order whatever course you want.
Contact and Help: There are many ways you can get help. If you have a specific question about our college, you can contact the administration by email: Admin@ArielCollege.com.
If you have any technical questions (login issues, course access, other IT problems), current students can use the live chat or phone hotline we offer through Canvas.
Please click the “Contact/Help” item on the navigation bar for more details.
Expiration Dates: Students in Tiers 1-4 can access their course content for one year. Courses expire 365 after the date of purchase.
Jews and Gentiles: All are welcome! We have students from many nations taking our courses. You do not need to be Messianic Jewish to take our courses or pursue a degree from us. You do not need to know Hebrew or attend a Messianic congregation. We welcome students of any denomination, any race, or any ethnicity.
Academic Level: Our courses are designed to be challenging, college-level, but not exasperating. Anyone should be able to do well in our classes if they make a genuine effort. Our exams are open-book and open-note, except for some of the biblical language courses and the Bible memory verses. There are no time limits on exams. You can re-take an exam, and the highest of the two attempts is the one kept.
Assignments: Both Tier 1 and Tier 2 have written assignments that need to be completed. Tier 1 courses are considered the “Enriched Educational Program,” so there are more assignments, more variety, and greater interaction with faculty. Tier 2 written assignments can be spot-checked, so students need to save them on their computers until graduation.
Course Format: Each of our courses is organized around modules, and each module has several components. A typical Tier 2-3 course has:
- Learning outline/objectives
- High-quality video lecture presentations
- Required Bible, textbook, and journal article readings
- Optional readings for additional study
- Study questions (these are optional)
- Spiritual growth activities
- An open-note exam after a module or set of modules (these can be re-taken)
- Tier 1 courses also contain weekly announcements
- Some courses require memorization of Scripture passages
- Some courses also include opening prayer and devotions with worship music, generally aligned with the theme/topic in the module.
Dr. Fruchtenbaum is the professor of many of the video lectures and the founder of the college. However, he will not oversee each course and interact with students in the courses. Tier One courses will have an instructor who directs the course; it will be an experienced Bible teacher with a Master’s or Doctorate from a Bible college or seminary. Tier 2-4 students do not interact with faculty. Dr. Sigler, Dr. Adler, and other qualified professors also teach our online courses related to their areas of expertise.
20 courses available.
here are a few.

Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
B.A., Cedarville College; Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary; Ph.D., New York University
I would like to express my gratitude to the many believers who support Ariel College of the Bible and Messianic Jewish Studies through prayer and financial giving, as well as the many students who are taking our online courses.
God has used your faithful support to make this new phase of our growth possible.
Our hope is that our online courses will be an ongoing resource for life-long learning for believers. We are committed to producing very high-quality online courses that are doctrinally sound, rich in content, taught from a Messianic Jewish perspective, and educationally engaging.
These online courses should cost students at least three or four times what we are charging, but thanks to the blessings of God, through your generous donations to help underwrite the costs of producing these online courses, we have been able to offer these courses at very affordable prices.
We hope you will continue to partner with us in prayer and financial support to help us build new online courses and grow ACB-MJS.
Please click on the link “Donate Today,” and under the fund choices, click “Online Courses: Ariel College of the Bible and Messianic Jewish Studies.”
Thank you.

dr. tim sigler’s new online course:
Interpretive Foundations: Hermeneutics and Bible Study Methods
Check out the sample lecture video!

Dr. Fruchtenbaum Presents:
“The Gospel from a Messianic Jewish Perspective.”
“Brethren, my heart’s desire and my supplication to God is for them, that they may be saved.” Romans 10:1 (ASV)